Whatsup friends? My name is Neil Phelan Randolph, the creator of SISSY THAT TALK and i'll be the first to admit that it can be extremely difficult to discuss our opinions on more serious issues within the LGBTQ community.
![Photographer: Pedro Hernandez @petoa](https://6c224a852e.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/ba215052385007c62f1c3512ec6dd319/200000001-8f86390805/IMG_0277.jpg?ph=6c224a852e)
To be completely honest, I am not angry, but I am tired. My intention for this website is to create a platform for an honest, respectful, and open dialogue. I will be sharing my personal experiences relating to some super juicy topics by posting twice a month, and offering effective solutions to help keep us moving forward. Some of you may not agree with me, but the important thing to note is that this is about much more than you or me. This is about educating those who have never been faced with our day to day oppressions, ridding people of their nasty habits and problematic comments, its about providing a safe domain for those who would rather stay silent than burden their friends or initiate controversial matter, and most importantly, it is about strengthening our community so that pride weekend isn't the ONLY time we feel that sense of togetherness. I would also really love to network with other talented artists and see how we can use our work as inspiration for this movement.
Please note: None of us are more exceptional than the other and if you should feel so inclined to act in a hateful manner please exit stage left and have yourself a snack. We are all different shades and shapes of fierce. I dedicate this blog to our LGBTQ brothers and sisters who have lost their lives for simply being themselves in environments that would not allow them do so.