The Library is Open 

Over It


Lately I have noticed an increase in the amount advertisements for gay dating apps across social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. These apps may include but are not limited to Grindr, Chappy, Gaydar, Surge, etc. And just when you get your hopes up, tragedy cannot seem to escape us. Now don't get me wrong, I do find it...

The Funk


Dear friends, acquaintances, and first time readers... Let's get real for a hot minute about another very important topic that is starting to seriously threaten our community and the way we treat one another. This isn't the type of content I thought I'd be discussing when I first came up with the idea for this blog, but you know what,...

I am no longer going to attempt to explain myself to people who do not matter or even care about my background. And you shouldn't either. The truth is, we aren't THAT different anymore. It should not be difficult for you to believe that we all come from different places. That is the most incredible thing about the human...

The Heat


Well there we were... It seemed that the gods had finally put us out of 3 days of pure misery as we had been struggling to survive with a broken AC unit. Cause: no idea. This means sweaty nights, blurry vision, an incredible amount of discomfort, and perhaps a tear or two. I will also add that the super...

Alright now yall, get your note pads out, pour a cup of warm celestial seasonings, and sip on this all natural goodness...



Here I am at 6:48 in the morning with my cup of lightly sweetened black coffee and Dvořák softly playing in my ear. I've got bread crumbs from my whole wheat toast splattered across my face. For some reason, I can never get my legs to politely cross without causing a violent scene barging and bumping into several tables...



Sycophant: noun, a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.

Last weekend, I went out in Hell's Kitchen with a few of my dancer friends. If you're familiar with the various neighborhoods that are home to NYC, then you know exactly what I mean when I say I went out. I'm usually super thrilled to engage in a night of five dollar cosmos and fierce dancing because it means making...

Whatsup friends? My name is Neil Phelan Randolph, the creator of SISSY THAT TALK and i'll be the first to admit that it can be extremely difficult to discuss our opinions on more serious issues within the LGBTQ community.

© 2017 Queerclusion. By Neil P. Randolph
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