Neil was raised in the suburbs of Dallas, TX along with his three other siblings, where he learned the power of self expression at an early age. Being a biracial gay male, he discovered the harsh repercussions of not fitting into the social standards of a primarily white and conservative community. It was his strong passion for the arts that allowed him to maintain a positive outlook on life and the importance of inspiring others to always be themselves. With the support of his loving parents, at just 18 years old, he ventured to New York City where he would pursue his grandiose list of dreams, and have the opportunity to reach his fullest artistic potential. Neil graduated from Marymount Manhattan College with his Bachelors of Arts in dance in the fall of 2016 and is currently living in Brooklyn, New York. Now 22 years old, he is trained in various styles of dance such as Ballet, Modern, and Jazz. He is also a classical and contemporary trained violist, pianist, composer, writer, make up fanatic, and a coconut oil aficionado.


"You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you." 

-Dorian Corey, Paris is Burning 1990

© 2017 Queerclusion. By Neil P. Randolph
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